trainings and speaking

  • LeadingAge Annual Meeting, October 30, 2024 (8:00 am) in Nashville, TN. Gates will be presenting the session Renewing and Recapitalizing your Section 8 Property. Go here for registration details.

  • RAD for PRAC 3-part Training. Gates teamed up with the DeSilva Housing Group to produce a three-part training on the HUD RAD for PRAC program.

    • Part 1: Overview of the RAD for PRAC Program webinar can be found here

    • Part 2: Moving ahead on a RAD for PRAC Conversion can be found here

    • Part 3: Getting to a R4P Closing can be found here

archived webinars

  • LeadingAge Learning Hub webinar “Preserving your Aging HUD Property” available at this link.

  • LeadingAge Quickcast webinar "How to Sell your 202 Property" available at this link.

  • HUD Preservation Training Webinar "Welcome to Preservation" available at this link.

Custom trainingS

We know that each organization has different needs. As a HUD-approved Subject Matter Expert, Gates brings her expertise and experience to your organization.  

Sample training topics include:

  • Section 8 Renewals

  • RAD for PRAC Conversions

  • Specialized HUD Trainings for MAP lenders and consultants

  • Asset Management Training

  • Board of Directors Strategic Planning

All trainings are tailored to the individual needs of the group and can range from a 90-minute webinar, to a 3-day in person training. Schedule a call to discuss your needs and to design a training session designed specifically for your team.

I have had the pleasure of conducting several HUD “Partners in Housing” training sessions with Gates. From the very first day, she engaged the training participants and quickly demonstrated not only her expertise on the subject at hand but a natural ability to convey complex information using real-life examples or written directives that simply put, can be difficult to understand. Gates also possesses an excellent ability to adapt the materials or her presentation style to fit the needs of training participants as many of them often have different backgrounds.
— Margie Maisonet, Managing Partner of FPG (Washington, DC)