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Gates kellett

Over the last almost 30 years Gates has established herself as an authority on affordable housing development and preservation, with a focus on working with non-profit clients. Fifteen years with regional and local non-profit affordable housing developers in the Atlanta area allowed her to develop expertise in preservation transactions involving a variety of financing techniques, including LIHTCs, Tax Exempt Bonds, FHA insured financing, AHP Grants, and HOME loans.  

As founder and Managing Principal of the Atlanta-based Gates Development Group, LLC, Gates works with clients across the country to help them think through their development and preservation options.  Once a path forward is determined, her firm then guides them through the refinancing process.  Her strengths are in her ability to educate the staff and Board of Directors, and in her development of best practices that are adapted uniquely for each client.  

Gates has been an active educator on the topic of affordable housing development and preservation. She has been an instructor in the Georgia Tech City & Regional Planning program.  In 2012 she was approved by HUD as a “Subject Matter Expert”, and she was a facilitator in HUD's "Partners in Housing: Multifamily Preservation Training" course and in their "Preservation Clinics".  She also conducts trainings with national and regional trade associations, and she has been an instructor with the NeighborWorks Training Institute, teaching in their affordable housing track.

Gates is a member of LeadingAge Georgia, SAHMA, and National Leased Housing Association.  She also works with the national LeadingAge organization, advising them and their members on housing finance issues.  

Gates graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters degree in City Planning. 

Contact Gates at