Recapitalization Consulting

We work with clients with multi-family affordable housing properties to help them plan and execute a preservation strategy, which often includes a “recapitalization”. This typically involves a planned rehabilitation and refinancing, customized to meet your organization’s goals.

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We always want to start with a planning session with your stake holders. We use this time to educate on the various preservation options you have, and how to use them to fulfill your mission. And once we have all agreed on a path forward, we move onto the Recapitalization process.

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the refinance process

Once you have decided on a strategy we will manage the preservation process. We will oversee the renovation planning and pricing, and the closing on the new financing. After 25 years managing refinancing transactions, we will bring to you a team of experts that can get you over that finish line efficiently, taking the burden off of your staff.

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After closing on new financing, the real work starts… the renovation of your property! The goal is to do the repair work with as little impact on the residents as possible. We work with you to plan for a smooth renovation and tenant relocation process, bringing in all of our experience and team members to assist.  

Gates has an in-depth knowledge of the issues surrounding HUD and how it relates to us as affordable housing providers. She was able to help us create a strategy to pay off our HUD mortgage as well as look to the future. Most of all, she had an ability to navigate relationships with all of the stakeholders, including our board, in a really positive way.
— Claire Guerette, Executive Director of St. Margaret's House (New York City)