Rental Subsidy Maximization

Rental Subsidy may be the most valuable tool you have to serve your lowest income tenants, while at the same time preserving your property for the long term. GDG can help you ensure that you are getting the most out of that rental subsidy contract, whether you have Section 8 PBRA or HUD PRAC subsidy.

Section 8 PBRA

We can help you maximize your section 8 contract through any combination of these services:

  • Mark rents up to Market under Option 1.

  • Capture “post-rehab” rent values through Chapter 15.

  • Ensure your over-market rents are not marked down to market.

  • Improve your surplus cash distributions through changes to the ownership structure and HAP renewal Option.

  • Combine HAP contracts to streamline operations.

  • Assign HAP contracts to a new ownership entity.

202 PRAC Subsidy

We can guide you through the RAD for PRAC “Pre-Conversion” process, which allows you to potentially increase rents through an increased deposit to Reserve for Replacements. We also assist in helping you improve your rents through the Budget-Based Rental Increase (BBRI) process, to ensure you are getting the rents you need to run the property for the long-term.

If it makes sense to convert your PRAC contract to a new 20-year Section 8 contract, we can guide you through the RAD for PRAC process as well. To view more information on this program, please press this LINK.