Do you worry about the future of your Property?

  • Are you HAP Rents Maximized?

  • Do you have access to the funding you need for large capital improvements?

  • Are you wondering about “RAD for PRAC”?

  • Would you like to apply for grant funding?

  • Do you need Asset Management Services?

  • Do you know how to cut through the red tape to accomplish your goals?


We understand that you're working hard to provide your residents with a safe and affordable home.

With over 25 years of experience navigating the affordable housing industry, GATES is here to help you continue your mission for years to come.  let us help.


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Meet Gates Kellett

I really believe that every person deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. This belief was formed in 1989 when I was a volunteer with the Georgia Tech chapter of Habitat for Humanity. I saw how a home can change a life. Since then I've dedicated my career to helping others have a place to call home. I am a HUD subject matter expert, and I have worked with over 70 nonprofit organizations across the country over the last almost 30 years. I help these owners ensure a strong and secure future for their residents. Read my full bio here.

Contact Gates here.

Gates’ impressive level of knowledge and expertise, coupled with her calm approach to maintain the focus and momentum of all parties involved in the complex process of refinancing a Section 8 property, proved invaluable to Gwinnett Christian Terrace.  She is a brilliant consultant and a true advocate for the owner.  
— Dana Chandler, Former Executive Administrator of Gwinnett Christian Terrace (Lilburn, GA)

Getting Started is Easy

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Schedule a Call

Discuss your Property and your current needs with Gates.

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let us evaluate your property preservation options

Obtain a clear assessment of your Property and your preservation options.


Continue Your Mission

Preserve and transform your Property for the long-term.